While this site was initially created to sell my book, it has evolved into something more meaningful. I have realized the profound value in turning it into a space for connection and exchange where you could also have the opportunity to share the testimony of your personal awakening experience (#mygreatawakening).
Sharing your story is not just about recounting your journey; it’s about lighting the way for others still under the influence of political and media manipulation. Your testimony can serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration, helping those who have yet to see beyond the veil of illusion and break free from systemic deceit. By contributing your voice, you play a crucial role in fostering collective awareness and making a difference in the lives of those still searching for the truth.
Since the 2016 election of Donald J. Trump as President of the United States, the social, political, and economic paradigm has been shifting significantly. The system in which we have lived until now, that of the globalist “elites,” must face its greatest existential threat. In order for the population to become aware of the criminal enterprise that has led them until now, men and women from all over the world have gathered around publications signed with the letter Q to help their neighbors wake up to the realities of this world. A new movement has emerged in its form and means, engaging in warfare against societal lies and media propaganda. This book is the testimony of one of its soldiers.
À l’ère du numérique, il est plus important que jamais de faire preuve d’esprit critique à l’égard des informations que nous consommons dans les médias. Ce livre démontre des compétences précieuses sur la manière de mener des recherches approfondies pour déterminer l’exactitude et la crédibilité des informations qui nous sont présentées. Il souligne l’importance de vérifier les faits et les sources pour nous assurer que nous sommes bien informés et que nous ne sommes pas induits en erreur par de fausses informations. En lisant ce livre, nous pouvons devenir des lecteurs plus avisés et prendre des décisions éclairées basées sur des faits plutôt que sur de la désinformation. Merci Nico
La vie est un apprentissage perpétuel et ce livre fait partie des plus grands enseignements que j’ai reçu sur le monde dans lequel nous vivons et des mécanismes de transformation qui sont a l’oeuvre depuis le 1er mandat de Donald J. TRUMP. Époustouflant!
A very good, well-written, well-sourced essay that helps us understand what our media want to hide…